JOINS ➤ INNER JOIN :- This join returns when there is at least one match in both the Tables. Example: SELECT * FROM TABLE1 T1 INNER JOIN TABLE T2 ON T1.COL1=T2.COL1; ➤ OUTER JOINS ➧Left Outer Join:- This join returns all the rows from the left table in conjunction with matching rows from the right table.If there are no columns matching in right table it returns, NULL values. Example: SELECT * FROM TABLE1 T1 LEFT OUTER JOIN TABLE2 T2 ON T1.COL1=T2.COL1; ➧Right Outer Join:- This join returns all the rows from the right table in conjunction with matching rows from the left table.If there are no columns matching in left table, it return NULL values. Example: SELECT * FROM TABLE1 T1 RIGHT OUTER JOIN TABLE2 T2 ON T1.COL1=T2.COL1; ➧Full Outer Join:- This join combines left outer join and...
STRING FUNCTIONS ➤ Low er :- This function will return character,with all letter in lower case. Example: SELECT LOWER('ANKIT') FROM DUAL; NOTE:- " DUAL is demo table in SQL which contain one Row and one Column. " ➤ INITCAP:- This function will return string with the first letter in upper case. Example:SELECT INITCAP('ANKIT') FROM DUAL; ➤ UPPER:- This function will return,with all leter to uppercase. Example:SELECT UPPER('Ankit') FROM DUAL; ➤ SUBSTR:- This function will return the selected charcter from the string or a portion of charcter by mentioning the position of the character in the string.The starting charcter will be 'm' and e...